The skin is a major organ of excretion. So taking care of the skin helps you to have a velvety soft skin. The old saying goes like this "Prevention is better than cure". So it is better to take care of your skin rather than treating it after a problem occurs.

All you have to do is to lead a healthy life style which will definitely reflect on your skin. Keep your skin clean. A clean skin is a healthy skin. The most common problem among teens is acne. Here are some tips to take care of your skin the natural way.

1.Eat a healthy diet which should include lot of fruits, vegetables in the form of salads and fresh juices. Use honey instead of sugar for juices.

2.Avoid eating junk food which is not only bad for your skin but also for your health. Do not eat fried foods. Avoid Maida and white bread instead take brown bread, whole grains and oat bran. Use brown rice instead of white.

3.Drink 2-3 glasses of warm water the first thing in the morning which will prevent constipation and therefore will have an effect on your skin or you can take a glass of warm lemon juice with a tsp of honey.

4. Wash your face whenever you go out and come back, to remove the dirt accumulated on your skin due to pollution. Also wash it after you wake up and before going to sleep. Instead of using soap frequently, you can use flour of green gram or besan mixed with a little water to cleanse your face.

5. Use an umbrella (preferably a colored one), wear sunglasses while going out in the sun. It protects your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
6. Have bath twice a day to keep your skin clean. It also helps to keep yourself cool.

7.Powder of orange peels (available in the market) mixed with rose water can be used to exfoliate your skin.
8.Steam your face once in a week to remove dirt from your face. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or neem leaves to the water. After steaming, splash cold water on your face and pat dry. This is an effective remedy for blackheads also.

9.Steaming with juice of one lemon added to the water is also effective for blackheads and whiteheads.

Take a little egg white (beat it well) and mix it with a little honey and apply it on the face and wash it off with warm water after 15 minutes. This cures blackheads.
10. Mixture of rose water, sandalwood paste and fuller's earth ( a form of clay) can be used as a face pack for oily skin. Rose water cleanses and tones the skin.

Sandalwood paste has cooling properties and fuller's earth removes the dirt and excess oil from the skin.
11.Mashed papaya applied on the face clears marks on your skin and the skin will look bright.
12.Avoid taking tea or coffee, instead replace it with green tea or buttermilk.
13.Keep your hair clean from dandruff. If you have dandruff then you will get pimples.

14.Use water based cosmetics for oily skin.
15.Carrots, oranges, beetroots does wonders to your skin.

16.Cucumbers work as astringents and cools the skin. It also lightens the skin tone. You can add a little cucumber juice to your face pack.

It is also an anti tan pack. It lightens freckles, smoothes wrinkles and is a natural bleach.
source: skin care