
How to take care for your skin in Autumn

The hot summer days are over and you need to adjust our skincare regime to the upcoming autumn days. The weather gets a bit colder and although the sun is not as harsh as in summer you should still put a sunscreen on. Hydration is also very important as well as skin nourishment. Here we offer some simple but effective advice on how to take care for your skin in autumn.

Get rid of dull skin
Summer has exhausted your skin for sure, so it’s essential to get rid of dead skin cells and reveal new, healthier-looking skin. The best way to commence your autumn skincare regime is to exfoliate. In fact, exfoliation is very important in every season, as it prepares the skin to better absorb applied skincare product. You can use 2 types of exfoliating products – those with tiny hard particles we call facial scrubs and chemically active ones. Chemical peeling products usually contain active agents such as Retinol, Retinoids, AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) and Glucosamine. They cause the upper layers dead skin to gently peel away and reveal younger and more radiant skin. Remember, don’t exfoliate your face more than 2 times a week; otherwise you risk harming your skin.

Intensive Skin Treatments
They repair skin in depth, but are more aggressive. That’s why they should be done up to 2 times per year. Usually intensive skin treatments that are meant to remove sun damage contain active agents such as Vitamins A, C & E, and Flavonoids. Optimal effect is achieved when using both serum and daily moisturizer. After cleansing your skin, apply the serum and the moisturizer afterwards. You can do this 2 times a day or once as a night treatment. Very popular in Fall are skin whitening treatments that deal with dark “sun spots” that may appear due to sun exposure. Before undergoing such procedures consult a specialist.

In summer your skin tends to dry out because of the hot weather and wrinkles and fine lines begin to show. So in fall it’s time to nourish, moisturize and prepare your skin for the upcoming cold winter days. Choose your facial moisturizer depending on your skin type: if your skin is oily, normal or combination type, use a light, liquid oil-free product.

How to take care for your skin in Autumn
The hot summer days are over and you need to adjust our skincare regime to the upcoming autumn days. The weather gets a bit colder and although the sun is not as harsh as in summer you should still put a sunscreen on. Hydration is also very important as well as skin nourishment. Here we offer some simple but effective advice on how to take care for your skin in autumn.

Dry skin needs an extra care, so if this is the case with you, be sure to take a proper cream-based product with thicker texture. Also, it is important to apply the moisturizer twice a day – in the morning and in the evening after cleansing. Don’t forget to take care of your body too – apply body lotion on damp skin after shower.

Don’t forget the sunscreen
The weather may not be as hot as it was in the past months, but Sun still shines relatively intensely and you need to keep your skin’s UV defense high. Apply a product with at least 15 SPF to prevent photo-aging. The best you can do is to use a combined daily moisturizer with a high SPF.

Skin, Water & Nutrition

You are what you eat, so if you want a well-moisturized skin you should intake more water and liquids. Moreover, water also washes away toxins from your body and promotes beautiful skin. Whatever the season, you should drink at least 1,5 liters of water to avoid skin dehydration.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
Autumn is favorable in this respect and you should take advantage and consume as much fresh products as possible – in winter you won’t be able to do so.

Pears, Apples, Grape, Cabbage, Carrots, Blackberries and all the rest that ripen in Autumn are a great way to get essential vitamins, minerals and microelements that guarantee radiant and healthy skin.

source: beauty advise