
Guidelines to Get Ready for a Party

When it comes the time to attend a party, people wish to look glamorous and enjoy the party.

Fun of the party should start from your dressing table and you should come out of your daily demeanor of controlled cosmetics and have a changed look by following the great party makeup guidelines shared below:

Party makeup needs a completely different makeup approach. Follow these guidelines:

First of all select right dress for the party. Select dress, matching footwear and other accessories including handbag, hair accessories, lenses, jewelry and others. Have a coordinated idea to seethat how you will look when you will put all accessories together.

Think of your hair style. Change your hair style from your routine. If you have habit to bun a braid on regular basis then rinse your hair, properly wash and condition and get a new look.

You can change color of your hair and cut your hair minor to change your look. Lots of special hair accessories are available on fashion stores to change your look.

Then come to your hands and feet beauty. Make it sure that your hands and feet are properly manicured and pedicure. Select best suitable nail polish color and apply. You can do different nails treatments to look more stylish and hot.

When you come to party makeup false eye lashes are of greater importance. You can also make your own lashes prominent by applying double coat of mascara and curling your lashes with curling brush.

Then make your base and apply foundation in proper way. Now it’s your own choice whether you darken your eyes or make your lips more prominent. If you keep your eyes downplayed, then you can tend to highlight your lips to balance.

Before you apply lipstick, apply foundation on your lips and wait for 5 minutes then apply your lipstick.

Complete your makeup and war jewelry and enjoy the party.

source : beauty tips