
Natural Teeth Whitening

Achieving the perfect smile is important to almost everyone. Everyone wants perfect, pearly white teeth that flash when they smile. With so many costly treatments on the market, its impossible not to wonder if there are natural teeth whiteningtreatments available natural teeth whitening is just as effective as many of the overpriced

tooth whitening systems, and do not harm or damage your teeth at all natural teeth whitening can be done with items you most likely have lying around the home natural teeth whitening not only bring about great results, its easy and quick to do. Most of these natural teeth whitening techniques can be added into ones daily routine with just a few short minutes each day.

Everyone knows that brushing and flossing each day is key in getting a great smile, but there are a few other natural teeth whitening treatments to try as well. One common tool used in natural teeth whitening is baking soda. Placing baking soda on a wet toothbrush and cleaning the area is a great way to remove stains and plaque. Adding baking soda to toothpaste is another great way to use the powder for natural teeth whitening Hydrogen peroxide is another key element in natural teeth whitening Mixing one part hydrogen peroxide and two parts water to make a mouth wash can remove stains. Gargling with this mixture daily for five minutes is a great natural teeth whitening technique.

Ones daily diet plays a large part in how white teeth appear over time. Eating a diet rich in fruits that contain natural acids is a great idea for natural teeth whitening Citrus fruits work especially well in removing stains and plaque from teeth. Using a lemon wedge to clean teeth is one way method of natural teeth whitening Biting down on the wedge for a few minutes a day can remove stains and buildup.

Strawberries are another popular fruit that can be used in natural teeth whitening Rubbing strawberries over teeth is an effective form of natural teeth whitening
Stopping certain daily behaviors is another key aspect in natural teeth whitening Limiting coffee, soda and wine intake can prevent stains from occurring. Drinking lots of water throughout the day is a great way to continually rinse teeth off, preventing stains from setting in. Smoking is another behavior that can lead to stained teeth over time, cutting out cigarettes can drastically cut the stains that appear on ones teeth.