
How to care for dry skin

Dry skin does not only look unappealing, it also feels tight and uncomfortable. Moreover, dry skin is predisposed to premature aging wrinkles, dry patches, redness and rosacea. It has a parched look, and in heavier cases it is characterized by chapping and cracking. We offer some basic tips on how to care for dry skin, but first we must see what causes this condition.

In general, dry skin has low moist levels, which might be a result of several causes

o Oil glands don’t produce enough sebum, hence the hydrolipidic protective layer is thin or missing. This causes the skin to dehydrate, chap and flake.

o Aggressive environmental factors such as wind, air-conditioning, extreme temperatures, as well as chemicals and cosmetics make normal skin dry, and dry skin’s bad condition – even worse.
o The type of one’s skin is often genetically dependent.
o Dry skin may be a result of nutritional deficiencies, especially lack of Vitamin A and B vitamins
o Medical conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, underactive thyroid, diabetes and others.

o Skin dehydrates because of certain drugs including diuretics, antispasmodics and antihistamines.

How to cleanse dry skin

Dry skin is very sensitive, thus need special treatment. Many women don’t know how to care for their dry skin and often make mistakes that make matters worse. To cleanse your sensitive face, you need to keep in mind the following:

o Deposits in tap water irritate and dry the skin. The worst you can do is to clean your face with hot tap water. You should use cool mineral water instead.

o Don’t use a washcloth – it is too irritating. Use just your fingers to gently apply and rub the skin care product.

o Soap is not a friend of dry skin. Along with grime, it also removes the natural oils that protect the skin. For gentle cleansing use a non-detergent, pH-neutral cosmetic product.

o When you are done with cleansing your face, it is obligatory to apply a moisturizer or a rich nourishing face cream.

o After a bath apply baby oil to nourish the skin of your body. Your skin must be still wet when using the baby oil, so it can “lock” the moist inside the epidermis.

Foods for dry skin

You need to take care of your skin not only on the outside, but also from the inside. Balanced dies is as important as proper cosmetic care. Here we offer some tips on how to eat and what to eat if you have dry skin.
Diet recommendations for dry skin – what not to eat:
o Limit the consumption of fried foods, heat-processed vegetable oils and animal fats. Heating oils are harmful to the skin for they lead to increased production of free radicals. You can increase the intake of raw foods instead.

o Diuretic substances such as alcohol and caffeine should be avoided. They cause the skin cells to lose fluids and dehydrate.

o They are tasty, but bad for your dry skin: soft drinks, candies, chocolate, potato chips, etc. In general: junk foods.
Diet recommendations for dry skin – what to eat:

o Foods rich in beta-carotene: all yellow and orange vegetables, especially carrots. Beta-carotene is an anti-oxidant that is essential for good-looking skin.

o Nature’s way: make sure your diet includes enough vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds, and nuts.

o Foods rich in sulfur such as garlic, onions, eggs, and asparagus. Sulfur helps the skin stay smooth, supple and healthy.

o Cold-pressed flax seed oil: it contains fatty acids that are very beneficial to dry skin.

o Drink lots of water to keep your skin well hydrated – at least 2 liters a day.