
8 Foods to Fight Aging

The following eight kinds of food are helping in anti aging process and to keep in the feeling of healthier and younger look.

Berries :

free radicals are the most first culprit in damaging our body cells to wrinkle. It is the main cause for the various types of cancer.

Strawberries, blackberries and grapes are having anti -oxidants which fight against this free radicals and reverse the aging process.

Whole Grain :

whole grain comes as second important food that contains many minerals, vitamins with fiber with more anti- oxidants. It is present in breads, oatmeal, and brown rice. It is to be taken in every day diet to fight against aging.

fish :

Recent studies show evidences that the fatty acid namely omega 3 is rich in fish which safeguard our immune system in fighting against heart illness and cancer. This is much contained in the fish oil like salmon.

Water :

plenty of water to be taken in daily routines since water is the only thing that flush out every toxin accumulates in our body.

Chlorella :

This is green algae that contain more carbohydrate, proteins, vitamins, enzymes and amino acids. It also enables the body in removing toxins and strengthening the immune system.

Garlic :

garlic has several properties such as anti cholesterol effect, anticancer properties, anti heart disease elements..

Ginger :

Ginger is having all the properties to regulate the whole system of human body and it is the chief element that protects the body in premature aging process.

Soy :

blood sugar regulating effects are high in soy. It is guarding a good immune system. It helps the women from menopause and postmenopause disorders.

It is understood that slight changes in lifestyle, restricted habit and essential food will certainly reverse the aging process and will enable everybody to lead a younger and happier life for ever.
source: beauty tips