
Winter Hair Care Tips

Winter is one of the busiest seasons of the year as it is the most festive season. Besides that winter also accompanies dry and cold weather. Hectic schedule and constant temperature change causes damage to your lovely locks. Your hair tends to become dry and damaged due to frequent changes in the outdoor and indoor temperatures. The other side effects your tresses face during winter season are

listed below:

* Split ends
* Dull and rough hair
* Dry and frizzy
* Looses its natural lustre
* Even natural colour
* Hair loss

With extra care and attention you can easily avoid above mentioned winter side-effects. Listed below are few quick and simple winter hair care tips:
To get brink back lost shine and luster don’t forget to massage your scalp at least twice a week.

After a quick oil massage give your hair hot towel wrap for at least 5 minutes. Hot towel wrap ensures better oil absorption by scalp and hair.
Avoid frequent shampooing your hairs as it takes away the moisture from your hair and makes them dry and frizzy. Besides that frequent shampooing may cause damage to your hair texture.

During winter season your hair requires extra conditioning, hence make sure that after shampooing your hair you apply conditioner. Instead of daily shampooing it is advisable to condition your hair.

Use lukewarm or cold water for washing your hair. Avoid hot water showers or washing your hair as hot water damages your hair and tends to make them further dry. In case you have used hot water then give your locks last rinse with cold water.
Avoid using hot air techniques like hot air drier, hair straightening iron, hot curling irons etc. In case you want to use these hot electrical instruments then it is advisable to use a leave-on conditioner before using them.

Avoid going out with wet or moist hair. The cold temperature outside will freeze your hair and it may lead to breaking.
While going out don’t forget to protect your hair from cold temperature. Wear a cap, hat or scarf before going out. But remember that cap, hat or scarf is not tight as it might affect scalp circulation.
Source: cricera