
How to get rid of pimples fast

As a teenager nothing can be more embarrassing than having to endure the social experiment we call High School with acne prone skin, except being an adult in the corporate world with acne prone skin. Since the dawn of time I’m sure women have been trying a variety of methods to do away with their annoying blemishes. Skin care is a multimillion dollar industry because of this very fact but are there any tried and true methods that guarantee pimple free skin? Surprisingly there are simple at home remedies that can quickly do away with pesky pimples.

How to get rid of pimples fast using toothpaste – At night, take a small amount of ordinary toothpaste and gently cover the affected area. The toothpaste ingredients have a drying effect which may reduce the redness and size of a pimple dramatically overnight.
How to get rid of pimples fast using orange peel – pound or ground the orange peel and mix with a little water. Let it sit on the affected area for awhile and then rinse off.

How to get rid of pimples fast using lime juice – mix fresh lime juice with 1/2 a cup of boiled milk for an excellent skin cleanser.

How to get rid of pimples fast using green tea – microwave a small bowl of water on high for 55 seconds add a tea bag and stir occasionally for about 5 minutes. When the water is warm, not hot – rinse your face with the water, concentrating on troubled areas. You can also just place the tea bag in warm water for 5 minutes and then when cool enough place the whole tea bag on the pimple.

How to get rid of pimples fast using potato – rub a piece of peeled potato over your face in firm circular motions this not only reduces the appearance of pimples but can also help remove pimple scars.
How to get rid of pimples fast using garlic – pound or crush a small clove of garlic and place it over the pimple. Let it sit for awhile and then wash off.

How to get rid of pimples fast using salt – Stir a small amount of salt and vinegar into a paste. Rub it on the pimples and wash off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.

How to get rid of pimples fast using tomato – cut up a ripe tomato and place the juice on acne pimples. Keep it on for up to 1 hour, then wash

How to get rid of pimples fast using honey – Dab the pimple with honey and place a band-aid on it.
The best thing about many of these simple remedies is that you can see a vast improvement literally overnight.
Knowing how to get rid of pimples fast is just a matter of knowing what’s in your cabinet and how to use it on your skin. Instead of breaking the bank on expensive skin cleansers look no further than your pantry.

source: beauty advise