
The Effects Of Smoking On The Skin

Smoking is one of the worst things that we can do to our bodies. The health effects of tobacco smoking are related to direct smoking, as well as passive smoking and secondhand smoking. Smoking contributes to the risk of developing heart disease, increase blood cholesterol level etc. Not only does it increase the risk of cancer and heart disease but it you have a family, passive smoking can also damage the health of the people closest to you.

Smoking is bad not only for your health, but also for your beauty. It decreases the flow of blood to the skin, leaving your complexion dull, promotes wrinkles and fine lines, deprives your skin of oxygen and robs your body of essential vitamins. That’s why smokers in their 30s have as many wrinkles as non-smokers in their 50s. Those who smoke every day get more wrinkles all over their face because of the nicotine – it constructs the tiny capillaries that nourish the skin. Smoking ages skin faster than anything else apart from sun damage. Smoking contracts your blood vessels and therefore doesn’t allow enough oxygen to reach the skin’s surface, resulting in dull-looking skin.
The effects of smoking are significant:

bad breath
dull complexion
wrinkles appearance
yellow teeth
weak hair
enlarged pores
broken capillaries
premature aging
coarse skin all over your body
reduction of the collagen
smoking thins the skin
alter your body shape
smoking reduces the body’s store of vitamins
loss of elasticity
prolonged smoking causes dry skin

Vitamin C, pine-apple, brewers yeast
The grayish color of the skin is among the many problems of the smokers. If you want to look fresh, “attack“ the problem internally. Eat fruits rich in vitamin C and foods containing zinc. They stimulate the formation of collagen which is important for the skin. Eat wheat, oat flakes and fish they are the main source of zinc. The pine-apple contains the substance called “ bromeline“ – it deprives your body of the toxins. To replenish the lack of vitamin A eat lettuce and carrots. Vitamin E is “responsible“ for the youth of your skin.

Exfoliating removes the dead skin cells that make your complexion dull. When exfoliating you remove the clogged dirt in the pores, improve the blood circulation and stimulate the production of new skin cells.
Facial – it will return the glow and the freshness of your skin.
Hydrating cream it regulates the moisture balance and avert the evaporation of the moisture
Cocktail of vitamins – it will increase the protection of the skin and will saturate it with oxygen. Vitamin A is important for the renovation of the skin and the decrease of the wrinkles. Vitamin C – for the free radicals, Vitamin E – for the immune system.
Night cream – corrects the damage while you are sleeping.
Nourishing nail oil - smoking causes discolouration of the fingers and nails on the hand used to hold the cigarette.


consume a daily diet of healthy food
eat many fresh vegetables and fruits
eat fish and chicken
take vitamin C daily
drink at least 1.5 liter mineral water daily
limit the alcohol and caffeine intake
exercise regularly
apply nourishing creams every day and use a night cream
your skin care products should contain retinol, vitamins and antioxidant.
Maybe now is the right time to quit smoking – imagine how you will look after 5 years. If you quit smoking you will stop your skin ageing any faster that it normally would.
Patches – they give a constant supply of nicotine. You should follow a stepped programme to help reduce gradually the amount of nicotine.
Gum- lets you control when and how much nicotine you want

source: beauty advice