
How To Get Rid Of Eye Wrinkles

The eye area is one of the first regions of the face to show the signs of ageing. The skin around the eyes is deprived of oil glands and is very delicate and that’s why the skin doesn’t have a protection against the environments influences and UV rays. Eye wrinkles / crow’s feet/ are a common and highly visible sign of ageing.

The lack of oil glands makes the skin around the eyes prone to dehydration and makes it easier for the wrinkles to form. Unfortunately many women forget to use special eye creams and the result isn’t behind.

The hot sun during the summer and the bitter cold weather during the winter defeat the skin. The tiny lines around the eyes usually appear when we reach our late twenties. These lines gradually deepen over the years and become prominent, because the skin is the thinnest and most delicate in the entire body. The eyelid area is one of the most animated parts of the face with strong muscles creating multiple expressions.

The most common cause of wrinkles around the eyes is the tiny muscles next to our eyes, contracting as we change our facial expressions, but that doesn’t mean that we should stop smiling.
The loss of elasticity also causes the formation of wrinkles. As we get older our skin loses its elasticity and produce less collagen under the skin. All of this makes the skin sag and wrinkle.

The sun is also to blame. The sum damages the collagen fibres and causes the accumulation of abnormal elastin. The ultraviolet radiation (UV) causes wrinkles by breaking down the collagen and decreasing the skin’s elasticity and is associated with the formation of sun spots and other types of sun damage.
Smoking also helps the skin around the eyes to wrinkle easily, because it causes narrowing of the blood vessels in the layers of the skin. Smoking damages the elastin and collagen that help to keep the skin soft, tight and elastic. Smokers tend to have more wrinkles around the eyes than the non-smokers. Smoking also increases the wrinkles around the mouth because smokers squint more.

What you should do to prevent wrinkles around the eyes?
Don’t forget to cleanse the skin around the eyes in the morning with special eye lotions or cleansing milk.
Apply an eye cream with light pats but don’t stretch the skin. Apply them carefully starting at the outer corner of the eyes to the inner corners.
At night remove the makeup carefully. Apply cleansing milk and remove the mascara firstly and when you have removed the makeup completely apply an eye cream again.
The skin around the eyes is very delicate and sensitive, and that’s why you should use special eye creams or gels that are specifically made for the delicate eye area. Most of them contain ingredients that relax the muscles, vitamins, retinol and collagen.

Tips for treating wrinkles
The eye cream should be applied before the face cream

Apply an eye mask twice a week

Place tea-bags over the eyes to calm irritates eyes

If your skin is sensitive use fragrance-free products

Always apply sunscreen, especially during the summer months

Avoid using creamy eye shadows- they may seep into your fine lines and accentuate them even more

Get plenty of sleep

Drink lots of water, at least 1.5 liter

Wear hats and black sunglasses especially during the summer

Avoid smoking – it makes you squint and deprive your skin from “air”

Take vitamins and eat lots of vegetables and fruits

Always use products of high quality

source:beauty advise